Friday, February 3, 2012

At slideshare

I wonder how I ended up at slideshare.. It is a place where
1. Nerds feel @ ~
2. Each day > 100 deployments happen
3. The time taken for most of the Δ is < 3 hrs..
4. Each developer completes a minimum of 2 stories, read as features, daily after a rigorous cycle of code review, testing, 2 stage deployments!

In my two months what I have figured out is that one of the two would happen to me, either I would become comfortable with the trendz here, or I'll be fired!
In 2 months I have 5-6 deployments, out of which each one had broken the live site!
The heights happened when the slideshare logo was hidden for 2 days.. The trough happened when the sales form remained broken for 4 days..
The coupling between HTML, CSS, JS, MODEL, VIEW, CONTROLLERS makes my head go numb and I am lost for more than 3 hrs.., which is the time taken to solve a bug by most people here.
I don't know if I got lucky to get in here, but I need to be more lucky now to enjoy in the SS-Wave!

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